Residential Services

Residential Roof & Property Damage Claims

Only Plans Claims & Consulting serves Texas residential property owners who have sustained damage to structures or property and need professional advocates to handle their insurance claims.

Our team comprises insurance experts who understand the insurance industry, have experience estimating property loss, and can optimize claims to net the payouts that claimants deserve.

Types of Residential Insurance Claims

Homeowners with the following types of damage need the assistance of seasoned public adjusters.

Property Damage from Direct Perils: Weather Events and Disasters

Hurricanes, tornadoes, hail storms, wind storms, lightning strikes, fires, and floods all leave behind damage and destruction. Missing chunks of roof, broken windows, incinerated walls, and crumbling sheetrock are all examples of damage that must be repaired, rebuilt, or replaced.

Property Damage from Indirect Perils: Mold

Mold is the most common type of indirect-peril environmental damage that leads to insurance claims. Mold growth is the immediate threat after a weather event or flood that results in water intrusion. However, mold can also take hold when an undetected leak allows moisture to enter. Regardless of how mold gets established and grows, it must be eradicated.

Property Damage from Impacts

Impact damage is when something has hit a surface and that surface now needs repair. Impact damage can be caused by falling branches and trees, hail, flying debris, or vehicles crashing into structures.

Property Damage from Vandalism and Malicious Mischief

Vandalism loss is a type of property damage covered by many homeowner insurance policies. Not all vandalism losses are covered, however, such as those in dwellings that have been vacant for 60 days or more.

We examine residential property damage and build comprehensive claims designed to recover and maximize home owners’ settlements. Call (210) 887-5409.

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