Every Adjuster Needs a Good Ladder
You may be new to the job of adjusting or you may be a seasoned adjuster, but regardless, you need a good ladder to be able to access high places safely. Whether caused by hurricanes, hail or high winds, property damage leads to thousands of claims a year, and adjusters must be ready to get on a ladder.
Safety is your number one concern and having a sturdy, high quality ladder is very important. A large percentage of injuries that adjusters experience involve ladders so don’t forgo excellence and quality in this vital piece of equipment.
You Have Several Options in Choosing a Ladder
Because of the needs of each adjuster and the type of vehicle he or she drives, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all ladder solution. Different ladders have their own pros and cons, so read below to find out about these kinds of ladders and which ones you should choose.
Folding Ladders
This is a ladder solution that can fit into almost any car. Some fold down to five feet which makes them easy to transport. Folding ladders are best for one- or two-story climbs.
Telescoping Ladders
These are compact and great for use in simple residential claims. There are a lot of choices but some are better than others in dependability and ease of use. Care should be taken to know how to use these as they can be dangerous if used improperly.
Wooden Ladders
Wooden Ladders are usually stable and should always be used if adjusters are working near electrical wires or power lines. The downside of wooden ladders is their weight and size. If you have a vehicle that can transport this type of ladder, it is a great option.
Extension Ladders
These ladders are very stable but are large and take up a lot of space in a vehicle. They may be a great choice if vehicle space is not an issure. A large truck can transport extension ladders easily.
Size of Ladders
Since roof claims are a big part of what you will be dealing with as an adjuster, the minimum size of ladder you will need for accessing second story homes is 28 feet. Often telescoping and folding ladders do not reach to that height. So, you may need to use more than one ladder. You may need a folding or telescoping ladder plus one that will reach 28-32 feet in height. And if you will be working around electrical lines or in inclement conditions, you will need a wooden ladder for safety.
Ladder Pads
Ladders can slide off the shingles of roofs and that is something you never want to experience. A piece of equipment that goes with your ladder and solves that problem is a ladder pad. It gives you a stable base for a steep roof and can be placed on asphalt shingles. It is lightweight and easily stored. Put a ladder pad under your ladders to boost your safety when accessing roofs.